Sunday, February 26, 2012

Mashable Marketing

Of course with any new company, even production companies, you are going to have to start thinking about marketing.  I know we have talked about this a little bit, but I ran across a website that I really wanted to share with you.

There are many new reasons to obsess over marketing in social media sites. listed 5 Huge Trends In Social Media Right Now, back in 2010 from Jennifer Van Grove.  Going through the list has proven to me that they have only grown since then.  She writes,

What’s the first thing young women do when they wake up? Check Facebook. How do enterprise employees pass the time at work? With social media. With so many studies highlighting ever-accelerating social media usage rates, the conclusion is obvious — social media is everywhere.”

The one that I really loved was Social Scanning.  While they list this as a reason to gather socially, it can be used to help market your new film trailer.  Have a barcode that people can scan take them to your website on their phone that automatically starts playing your latest film’s trailer.  Brilliant new marketing!

Another way to help spread the word of your film is by word of mouth.  What better online platform for spreading via word of mouth than Facebook?  Still logged into, Samantha Murphy tackled the article, Film Startup Prescreen Adds Facebook IntegrationShe writes,

Streaming movie-on-demand platform Prescreen announced on Thursday that it has integrated with Facebook’s Open Graph Platform to make it easy for people to discover and share movies with friends.  Prescreen — which offers a selection of long-form movies largely from independent filmmakers and packages it in a Gilt Group-style daily-deal format — allows users to sign up via Facebook Connect to watch trailers, rent movies and bookmark titles.”
Check the rest of the website out.  Do your homework.  Look into what the trends are for the industry.  Use that knowledge to help boost your company.  Social Media has been integrating itself in the industry for a long time.  Use that to your advantage.  Find these companies that you can put your independent films on and have them help spread your like wildfire through Facebook.  Good luck!

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