Sunday, February 12, 2012

Alternative Funding

So you want to make your own business happen?  None of us can do that without funding.  I am sure you’re flittering around with fantastic ideas and concepts for film production, but we all need help financially to make that happen.

Take a minute to look at a few websites I came across that help you with alternative funding.  Financing, the dreaded word for the artistic few.

Does your new production company create jobs?  Because a lot of the funding out there right now is directly toward the growth of this economy.

One fantastic company that I came across was Association for Enterprise Opportunity, or AEO. 
This company helps with funding for the microenterprise, or easier put – companies with 0-4 employees.  One of the best things I saw when sifting through their information for finding help for health insurance for your company.  There are a lot of resources out there that we just need to take the time and find.  This company is willing to help.  They want to help.  Give them five minutes of your time and decide if they can help you succeed!

Community Development Venture Capital Alliance, CDVCA, is another company I thought you would be interested in taking a look at.  If you are looking to create your company in an area that needs to grow, promote jobs and increase the overall economy, such as Detroit, this is your chance to find funding.  CDVCA reads, “Like all serious investors, CDVC funds are looking to invest in companies with strong management, good ideas, impressive growth potential, and the promise of high financial returns. They also focus on the number and quality of jobs that will be created and the impact their investments will have on low-income communities.” 

Don’t be afraid to reach outside the box when looking for funding.  Recognize what good you are doing for the community and then let these companies help you fund that goodness.  Good luck!

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