Sunday, November 27, 2011

Search Engine Optimization

More often than not, all companies have websites. And you probably already have one created, or at least one in mind for your new production company. One of the biggest problems with new companies is their inability to get traffic to their website. Have you ever wondered how to do so effectively?

You need SEO, or Search Engine Optimization tools to help you. Some of the best ways are to figure out what keywords people, who might need your business, would type into their search engine. Now, you need to get your website to provide those keywords so that you can get your website to pop up in their search.

James Dunaway of explains SEO,
“One of the most popular areas for trying to get more traffic to a website is by using search engine optimization (SEO) techniques so that the site receives a much higher ranking from the major search engines such as Google. There are a number of techniques that will contribute to successful SEO marketing, and for most sites looking to do this successfully securing some help from an experienced consultant in this field can help to boost the ranking given to a website.” (2011).

Moon Hussain, a guest blogger on made some great suggestions to those needing help in this area.
“To reach your audience, a big part of what we, SEO practitioners, do is called keyword research. You can use a free tool like the Google Keyword Tool to decide what keywords are worth your time.” (2011).
He goes on to explain the benefits of using keywords to help gain a bigger audience for your website. “Advertising takes money. Search engine rankings can take time. However, I’m a fan of SEO and ranking your website because it’s a low cost solution as long as you don’t mind putting in consistent effort and have time.”

If you don’t have the money to advertise, take the time to create keywords that will help gain a bigger audience for your company. Take a minute to go through those two articles I shared. This is one step you do not want to skip when starting a new business.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Allowing Print-On-Demand to Work For You

It’s not that new, but it is that exciting! Take anything you want to publish, or print or sell in books, film or audio, and you can do it without a publisher! Print-on-demand websites cater to those working independently. You pay a small fee to sign up, and the website will keep a percentage of your earnings. The fees and percentages vary between companies.

Recently, New York Times published an article, High School, that Hilarious Minefield, raving about MTV’s hit show Awkward. Instead of linking you to MTVs website to purchase the first season on DVD, it did something else. There is a new trend rising in media. Mike Hale writes, “This month a Season 1 DVD will be available (for $17.99) from through the company’s CreateSpace on-demand service.” (2011).

Networks like MTV are using print-on-demand websites that are just as accessible to the independent filmmakers! The websites are easy to navigate through and there are plenty to choose from.

A few suggestions:

Sometimes it helps to get advice from those that have gone before you. Through YouTube, I found a video that would help you. Ramit Sethi and Tim Ferriss are two best-selling authors from traditional publishing companies. Here is their video on their opinion on self publishing.

Find what works for you. Research the best site, or whether or not it is even for you. For another video; ABC News did a great job talking about this platform in 2010. They go through how important it is to be able to get your books online just to have people read it. It may not be the best sellers, but it would be a great place to get started. Check out the video on their website, ABCNews.
Print-on-demand, or self publishing, are great tools to help establish yourself. There are definitely advantages and disadvantages of both. Good luck!

Digital Media Wire – Great Resource!

If you’re anything like myself, you love coming across great websites! In our industry, the best websites to come across are those to keep in your resource folder! Do not allow your resource folder to sit idly by while you attempt to move forward in your career.

If you’re just starting out, start with Digital Media Wire. One of my favorite parts about this informational website is the job postings. Being nearly done with grad school, this is how I spend all my free time online—drifting through job postings. With one click, I had over a thousand postings to look that that range from Intern to Senior Director. This free website will become invaluable to you if you take advantage of just this one part of the site.

Digital Media Wire describes themselves as:
“Digital Media Wire, Inc. launched in early 2000 with a simple yet compelling proposition to provide busy executives with a daily briefing of the most important news stories about the business of digital media. On July 20, 2000, we published the first issue of Digital Media Wire Daily — our daily email newsletter dedicated to objective coverage of news stories about the convergence of media, entertainment and technology. Today, we are a full scale media company that owns and produces 8 major conferences, publishes daily newsletters and directories, and operates the popular news and community portal.” (2011).

The amount of articles posted on here is astounding. It will keep you updated on all things media related. If you are interested in what’s going on in Media Law, check out the Law section. Or look into things that are social related, like Twitter or Linked In. This website goes beyond being informational on current topics, to keeping you on your game for future job opportunities.

If you’re in New York on November 17th and 18th of 2011, please check out the Future of Television conference. The list of speakers is reason enough to check it out. This is an opportunity to network! Keep yourself updated and ahead of the game. Never underestimate the power of a great resource!