Sunday, January 29, 2012

Incorporating Trump and Oprah into Your Business Plans

With all the research into Oprah and Trump floating around my head, I decided to do something about it.  I am going to put some of their philosophies to work for my business plan.

Oprah has put out several articles over the past few years in O, The Oprah Magazine, which talk specifically about business plans.  In 2007 an article was posted by Polly Brewster: Your Great Idea, Whose Time Has Come.  In there she speaks about a one-page business plan.
Quoted from the sample business plan from 2008,
The One Page Business Plan methodology is the fastest, easiest way to write a plan. Using key words and short phrases plans can be created for a company, business unit, department, project or program... on a single page. This methodology focuses everyone in your company on what is important and critical for success!”

KLEJ Productions is using this idea to help keep the entire staff focused on what we need and where we are going.  The company will update this yearly to enable the company to see our new goals and what we have accomplished.  Oprah wants us to monitor our plans and update often.  This will certainly be a key factor in the success of KLEJ Productions.

Oprah’s magazine is not only full of her own particular wisdom from her personal career, but it chuck full of ideas and tidbits that she has noticed are working for others.  This is what our company aims to do; see what works for others and find a way to incorporate that into our business plan.

In 2001 there was an article, Investing in Me, Inc., that shows you how to create a business plan for your career.  In that article I picked up on a very key element that has been implemented into KLEJ Productions.  Under the section Who Are You? the author, Ronna Lichtenberg, tells the reader to write down 10-15 lines about yourself,
 “not a résumé, but a description you might give to someone introducing you as a speaker.” 
Then repeat this with what you’d like the speaker to say in 15 years.  KLEJ Productions has implemented this idea to help strengthen the core of the business plan.  Investors need to know where your company is headed.   While this is very important for the investor to know, their main concern is going to lie in your marketing strategy and how you plan to profit.  Do your homework.  Make this plan bullet proof.  

Donald Trump was a big promoter of there being no success without a business plan.  Have an exact plan for your company and then alter it as you grow.  Make sure when you meet with your investors that they have the most up-to-date plan for your company complete with direction and focus.

Donald Trump writes blog postings.  These are great if you want to add them to your RSS feed.  In one entitled, The Trump Entrepreneur Initiative Blog, he relays some advice that his father gave him. 
He always told me to "know everything you can about what you're doing." In other words, be thorough.” 
KLEJ Productions has really taken advantage of this sage wisdom.  Being able to incorporate this into all aspects of not only our business plan but also the company itself has been empowering.

Take some time out to really hear what successful business people are telling you.  Implement it.  Your business will thank you.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Business Plan Experts: Trump and Oprah

  The importance of having a business plan cannot be underestimated.  Experts in any business will express why they find it necessary.  While there will be differences in opinions about why they are needed for success, they can all agree that they are ultimately essential in your companies future successes.

  Steven Burnhoe writes a blog called Expert Views on Business Plans.  This past March he wrote about some experts that pertain to our field.  Donald Trump and Oprah Winfrey.  Mr. Burnhoe goes into depth on why they are both experts on the subject of business plans, and sums it up with these words,
The advice from these two people is definitely worth taking to heart.  While Donald basically says you have to have a plan or else you will fail, Oprah says that you need to monitor it and adjust it so that you will succeed.  These are two different views on business plans but both are saying the same basic information:  make sure you have a good, solid business plan so that you do not lose focus on your ultimate goals.  This is the ultimate goal of any new entrepreneur.”  (Burnhoe, 2011)
   According to Donald Trump’s biography posted on, there is no other more recognized businessman in the world.  He started in Brooklyn working for his father and moved quickly from Brooklyn to Manhattan’s real estate.  He is known for his luxury hotels, but he is much more than that.  Trump has written books, there are golf courses, residential buildings as well as his television show The Apprentice that is in its tenth season.  His successes in his business life make him the ideal man to watch when creating your own Business Plan.  (Trump, 2012)

No amount of room on this blog is enough for Oprah Winfrey’s impressive biography.  According to her official, eleven page, biography, on her website,, she has had to overcome a lot to have the amount of accomplishments she has achieved.  Oprah started out doing radio in high school, and worked on local talk shows after college before getting her own hour-long show The Oprah Winfrey Show in 1984.  She used the money she had earned from ABC to start her own company Harpo, Inc. to be able to control her show.  Her show and her company have grown to now owning her own network, poetically entitled OWN.  In between all that she found time to star in life changing movies and change peoples lives with more philanthropies than your average do-gooder.  She even has her own magazine, O.  In 2001 she posted an article there about how to create a business plan.  It is available on her website now.Her overwhelming success and brilliant business mindset make her the ideal woman to watch when creating your own Business Plan.  (Oprah, 2012)

Both Oprah and Donald have a lifetime of lessons for all of us to take on.  What is key is learning from what they have accomplished and how they used their business plans to do so.  Donald does nothing without a plan and Oprah insists that you have to constantly update and change your plan to fit your needs and your company’s needs.  I left a video from Trump’s YouTube account just showing you the future of his company.  Also on that site there are several videos from Trump himself that I encourage you to peruse through.  Best wishes.