Sunday, December 11, 2011

Utilizing Film Industry Blogs

It cannot be heard enough...there is so much to learn from those that came before you!

There are a few industry blogs that I follow, and I wanted to give you a little taste about what there is out there that might fit your needs.  Take advantage of this Internet-crazed world.  Soak up the information flowing from those before us!

One great website to start with is Film Industry Bloggers.
This website has a list of blogs for every day of the week.  One of my favorites is a Friday blogger.  The writer is an anonymous reality TV producer.  While that particular one has not been updated in a few years, it has great things to thumb back through!  To the left is their logo.

Another fascinating finds are blogs related to your Industry, straight from production companies and networks!  One of my favorite shows is Law and Order: SVU, via NBC.  Their production has its own blog that shows how things are done through the production aspect of the show.  Being able to tap yourself into that will not only help inspire you to create new and exciting things, it will enable you to see how those who are successful are doing it!  To the right is a picture from the SVU production.

Even lesser known productions are blogging about it.  Get yourself out there, online, and see what there is to learn!  Try a quick Google search of your favorite show or movie and see if there is a blog available.  You might not be able to visit the production site, but it would be nice to see some of their secrets!

One last option that you don’t want to forget about is vloggers.  Video blogging has become this amazing phenomenon.  YouTube has become a haven for a lot of these vloggers.  One of the better production vlogs is LanteanStreet.  There are a series of vlogs from the Peter Jackson’s new film The Hobbit.  This is a must see.  Below is his latest video.

Get into the game.  Find inspiration.  Enjoy!